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Annie Mouse Books

Annie Mouse books author Anne Slanina at Fresh Marketplace

The Annie Mouse series explores the world through the eyes of a young child. Click on your book choice to purchase it online at the author’s website.

Children’s Book.
                Third in the Series.
                Annie Mouse Meets a New Friend by Anne Slanina. Copywrite 2008. Soft cover.
                ISBN   978-0-9793379-3-2.


Children’s Book.
                Revised Edition. First in the Series.
                Annie Mouse Meets Her Guardian Angel. Copywrite 2008. Soft cover.
                ISBN   978-0-9793379-2-5.


Children’s Book.
                Second in the series.
                Baby Brother Goes to the Hospital. Copywrite 2007. Soft cover.
                ISBN 978-0-9793379-0-1.


Children’s Book.
                Sixth in the series.
                Annie Mouse’s Route 66 Family Vacation. Copywrite 2014. Soft cover.
                ISBN  978-0-9914094-1-9.


Children’s Book.
                Fifth in the series.
                Annie Mouse’s Route 66 Adventure: A Photo Journal. Copywrite 2011. Soft cover.
                ISBN  978-0-9793379-6-3.


Children’s Book.
                Fourth in the series.
                Where the Rainbow Touches Ground. Copywrite 2010. Soft cover.
                ISBN 978-0-9793379-4-9.


Children’s Book.
                Coloring book.
                Annie Mouse’s Adventures: The Coloring Book. Copywrite 2016. Soft cover.


Children’s Book.
                Eighth in the series.
                Annie Mouse’s Second Route 66 Photo Journal: The Journey East. Copywrite 2018. Soft cover.


Annie Mouse Books
Annie Mouse Books Publishing, SAN 853-1676, Greenville, PA

About Annie Mouse

Each book in the series explores the world through the eyes of a young child and are designed to be read with adult guidance. While the books together form a series, each has its own story line and the books can be enjoyed alone and in any order.

Like all young children, Annie is very literal and often misunderstands what adults are saying. In our fast-paced world it is so easy to neglect to explain little things to children that adults take for granted. While sharing the books, discover how young children interpret adult language and situations and find out how Annie learns to cope with challenging life situations in the Guardian Angel series.

To bring your family closer together, load up in the car, leave all electronics behind and take a road trip—explore Route 66 with Annie Mouse– the chapter book: Annie Mouse’s Route 66 Family Vacation and the companion books, Annie Mouse’s Route 66 Adventure: A Photo Journal and Annie Mouse’s Second Route 66 Photo Journal: The Journey East.