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Michelle is a certified classical homeopath. A classical homeopath takes into account all of your mental, emotional, and physical symptoms in an interview. You don't have to live with your symptoms. A homeopath can help.

What is homeopathy

You have healthcare options that you may not know. Homeopathy is capable of providing healing from dis-ease without side-effects. Homeopaths are interested in the whole you, each and every symptom that disturbs your peace or homeostasis. As a homeopath I care about you, not your dis-ease.

How homeopathy works

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann concerned his practice with the patient’s energy complex more than 250 years ago. He identified that in the state of health, the spirit-like vital force reigns in supreme sovereignty animating the material human organism. The patient’s energy complex or vital force is connected to the patient’s defense mechanism. The vital force of your body indicates your ability to maintain homeostasis.

Homeopathy uses remedies to return clients to health.

When man falls ill, it is this vital force which becomes untuned. When the human body is out of homeostasis, we are more prone to dis-ease. In time the disparity has an impact on the physical and mental state of the person. The vital force strives to maintain optimal homeostasis at all times. Homeopathy works with the vital force by retuning the patient back into homeostasis.

Homeopathic patients heal with a specific direction of cure, from inner to outer, from reverse order of occurrence, etc. Thus a homeopath is more understanding of how well you are gaining your state of homeostasis.

People use homeopathy

Homeopathy is a comfortable and comprehensive way of healing dis-ease. People all over the world use homeopathy. People like the Royal Family, David Beckham, Husain Bolt, and Mother Theresa are some individuals we all are familiar with and who depend on homeopathy when they need to regain their state of health or homeostasis.

The Royal Family

The Royal Family uses homeopathy.

The British Royal Family uses homeopathy. Image from link.
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David Beckham

David Beckham uses homeopathy.

English soccer legend David Beckham uses homeopathy. Photo served by Depositphotos royalty-free. Image from link.
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Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt uses homeopathy.

Track legend Usain Bolt uses homeopathy. Image from link.
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Mother Theresa

Mother Theresa used homeopathy.

Mother Theresa used homeopathy. Image from link.
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Homeopathy and your current healthcare

The present health care system with conventional medical treatment of disease is suppressive in nature often working to impede the organic task of the human body’s defense mechanism. By separating the mind from the body and creating so many specialties that independently treat parts of the body, conventional medicine does not acknowledge how the body really works.

Homeopathy uses remedies to retune the patient back into homeostasis.

Nothing in the human body happens without purpose. For example, our eyes tear because of an onion. The body develops a fever to scorch an infection. Our defense mechanism generates a specific set of symptoms as a response to stress or stimuli in an effort to protect vital organs and to bring the body back into homeostasis.

The patient’s symptoms provide the ingredients for directing the homeopath to the correct remedy. Patients who are sensitive to what is going on with their bodies are wonderful candidates for homeopathy.

Homeopathy uses remedies to detox clients.

People who have taken a lot of conventional medicine often lose relevance to the feeling of a healthy body, and thus are not sensitive to what their body is feeling. Some patients may need to be detoxed from allopathic medicines or other toxins that disrupt their sense of well-being or contribute to new diseases. Homeopathic detox can help these patients regain their health.

How to get started

Homeopathy starts with an interview. The homeopath really wants to hear from the patient. The interview may take an hour or two to complete for a chronic case. In the interview, the homeopath wants to understand the patient’s symptoms on all levels to enable the homeopath to identify the significant symptoms that will lead to the correct choice of remedy.

If you have symptoms, consider homeopathy.