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Process Improvement

Process improvement is about the continuous improvement of your business. Suppose you need to take actionable steps to move your ideas from mere paperwork to reality. Smarty Pixels is ready to assist businesses, consultants, and engineering firms to link the software you or your client uses every day to automate repetitive tasks and improve business processes.

Link the software you use every day to automate repetitive tasks.

Powerful tools for solutions that deliver.

You might want to cherry pick certain features of various software. Gluing together the software you use every day enables you to continue using the features of completely different software packages you value most, creating a custom solution that benefits your workflow. The result may be a huge process improvement for your business.

For clarity on the concept of process improvement and ideas for new process that may benefit your business, consider some of the projects we’ve already completed.

Referral form

Smarty Pixels converted a paper process to a supports your branding and direct marketing needs.

This project modernized an outdated paper referral process. The result delivers continuous analytics, accountability, and a referral form as close as your internet connection.

Supports professionalism, branding, and direct marketing needs.

This solution permits weekly reporting and current referral counts.

Social media

Smarty Pixels watches multiple social media channels for order fulfillment.

The business has several social media accounts. An order request can originate from any one of the accounts. Tracking orders consumed an hour out of each work day. Angst over missing an order and other order fulfillment concerns were ever present.

This project watches multiple social media channels and directs messages to to-do tasks in Asana. Upon order fulfillment, an email is sent to the client. A week later a short questionnaire is emailed to the client to confirm quality of service.

The result is 6 hours saved every week and peace of mind. Customers enjoy immediate feedback of order status.

Contact Smarty Pixels to get started today with our automation and integration services that improve your business processes and save you time.
